Featured Healthy Seafood Sponsored

Mentaiko Salmon


I did a poll on Facebook and Instagram on what salmon dish to make. This was a clear winner! 80% of you guys voted for Mentaiko Salmon, so here is the recipe and accompanying video too! I baked it instead of pan-frying it for easy cleanup.

I can easily understand why people love this dish. Savoury, rich, and creamy Mentaiko mayo elevated by using premium wild-caught Alaskan Sockeye salmon from The Alaska Guys as a vessel. I’m salivating while I’m writing this. lol!

Did you know that there are many different species of salmon in Alaska? And I swear the wild-caught salmon taste different from the Norwegian and Chilean farmed salmon. It’s tastier and cleaner, without that fishy taste often associated with farmed salmon. Take a look at the chart below to see how to identify the 5 different species. My personal favourite is the sockeye, for the taste and the appealing colour as well.

img: chinookshores.com

Because they are wild salmon, it means we don’t have to worry about added chemicals, hormones, and antibiotics. The nutritional benefits between farm and wild salmon differ greatly as well. Wild salmon has 32% fewer calories and a higher percentage of essential minerals as compared to farmed salmon.


I know a lot of families spend a lot of money on fish (brain food) for their children. I feel better knowing the source of my fish, how they lived, and how they were harvested. Besides being healthier, the superior flavour and texture of Alaska seafood is prized around the world. The eco-system in which the fish lived in contributes to the flavour and colour characteristics of the seafood species. Such as feeding on their natural diet of marine organisms, and the superior texture comes from annual migrations in the cold North Pacific.

The Alaska fishery is the largest sustainable fishery in the US so we can feel good knowing that we are eating a fish that is abundant and so well managed that it will be available for generations to come. Wild Alaskan seafood not only delivers superior flavours and better nutrition, it is also environmentally responsible as well. If you are interested to find out more, click here.

You can find Mentaiko at The Alaska Guys as well. They have it in ready-to-use 500g pack. Great for this recipe and Mentaiko pasta! However, I’ve also tried it with tobiko. Not as nice, but easier to get from a supermarket that sells sushi, like cold storage. The picture above was made with a generous spread of Tobiko mayo. Alright, enough rambling. Let’s cook!

Mentaiko Salmon

Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 6 minutes
Total Time 11 minutes
Servings 4


  • 600 g TAG’s Wild Sockeye Salmon divide into 4 pcs
  • 2 tbsp mayonnaise
  • 2 tbsp mentaiko or tobiko
  • 1 tsp Sriracha or hot sauce optional
  • Salt and black pepper
  • Olive oil
  • Spring onions or pickled ginger to garnish
  • Lemon wedges


  • Pre-heat oven to 220C.
  • Mix mayo and mentaiko together. Transfer into ziplock bag.
  • Line baking sheet with non-stick paper or oil baking sheet to prevent sticking.
  • Place salmon on baking sheet, drizzle olive oil, season with salt and black pepper.
  • Bake for 6 – 7 minutes.
  • Snip the edge off the ziplock bag and pipe mentaiko mayo over the top of the salmon.
  • Return to oven and broil (keep watch!) or bake for another 2 minutes until bubbly. Or if you have a blowtorch, you can blowtorch the top the mentaiko mayo until bubbly and/or browned.
  • Garnish with spring onions, pickled ginger, and lemon wedge and serve.

More Alaskan seafood recipes:

This post is made possible by Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute

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